Recipe: Delicious Frankfurter Pasta Sauce

Delicious,Yummy and Tasty.



Frankfurter Pasta Sauce. Frankfurter sauce is a famous German sauce, eaten in spring, mostly around Easter. Many people have it on Green Thursday before Easter, but we tend to have it later on in spring when the herbs in. The Best Frankfurter Sausage Recipes on Yummly

Frankfurter Pasta Sauce The terms frankfurter, wiener or hot dog are practically interchangeable today. Diese originelle, wohlschmeckende und schnell zubereitete Pasta ist die kräuter-grüne Alternative zum italienischen Klassiker Spaghetti Carbonara. Add the Frankfurter and Chirizo and fry until the. (Frankfurter Green Sauce, Frankfurter Grie Soß). You can have Frankfurter Pasta Sauce using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Frankfurter Pasta Sauce

  1. You need 400 ml of tomato puree/passata.
  2. You need 1/2 of onion, chopped.
  3. Prepare 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  4. Prepare 200 grams of frankfurters.
  5. You need of seasoning.
  6. It's 1/2 tsp of sugar.
  7. Prepare 1 pinch of thyme.
  8. You need 1 pinch of black pepper.
  9. It's of final touch.
  10. You need 50 grams of grated parmesan cheese.

Frankfurter Grüne Soße is a famous cold herb sauce from Frankfurt, consisting of sour cream, spices, and herbs. These creative, non-marinara, homemade pasta sauce recipes will come in handy when you want to give We'll always love you, marinara, but it's time we started seeing other homemade pasta sauces. Mit ► Portionsrechner ► Kochbuch ► Video-Tipps! Die Frankfurter Grüne Sauce punktet durch die vielen gesunden Kräuter.

Frankfurter Pasta Sauce instructions

  1. Finely chop the onion and put it on low heat together with olive oil, until translucent.
  2. Slice frankfurters in thin slices or small pieces and put them together with onions.
  3. Cook for few minutes until they turn darker and the good smell is spreading!.
  4. Add tomato puree/passata.
  5. Add seasonings and cook with lid on for 5 minutes (you can add hot water if the sauce become too thick).
  6. Sauce is ready to be added on pasta, don't forget to add some grated Parmesan on it!.

Frankfurter Grüne Sauce kennen wir meist als hessisches Traditionsgericht zusammen mit Eiern und Kartoffeln. Frankfurter Grüne Sauce: Hier gibt es das Rezept bei Zubereitung Frankfurter Grüne Sauce. Die Kräuter waschen, gut abtropfen lassen oder trockenschütteln und die Blätter von den Stielen zupfen. Sauce will thicken rapidly, thin with milk if cooked too long. Toss with hot pasta to serve.